Thursday, 3 December 2015

Viviscal Gorgeous Growth Shampoo & Conditioner

I was recently gifted with Viviscal Gorgeous Growth Shampoo and Conditioner.

I was delighted to receive it in the BloggerConf goody bag as I've had trouble with my hair quite a lot over a number of years.

Like all girls/ladies we love our hair to be shiney, full and thick and sadly not everyone is fortunate enough to have that.  This shampoo and conditioner is designed to give you that effect.
Now I've heard and witnessed amazing results from Viviscal hair growth supplements so thought instantly this should be good.......
I was right!!! :) :)

The shampoo and conditioner both have biotin, keratin and zink to promote a healthy looking hair growth.
It has a nice scent to it without it being to over powering as that normally puts me off a shampoo or conditioner.
A little goes a long way with these products and I was my hair twice and condition.

So let's get down to it.... When I went it brush my hair before blow drying straight from being washed (sometimes can be difficult to brush) the brush glided straight through my hair with very little knots! So far it was a hit.
Drying my hair was very easy and it seemed fuller and more textured when drying it.
The shine off my hair was amazing and it was super healthy looking. In fact my hair itself felt fuller to touch and more heavier... Crazy I know but I'm just being honest!!

Normally the day after washing my hair it normally goes back to that lifeless look but with this it HASN'T :) I'm actually getting to the third day before having to wash it again when normally I only get two days.
I have to say I LOVE LOVE this shampoo and conditioner.

The only down fall is.... Its not properly on the shelf's until January :( so when it runs out I'm going to be gutted!!
Price wise I'm not sure as of yet but I will let everyone know as soon as I find out... And if I'm quite honest I'll pay anything for it for how great my hair looks and feels. I'm rarly woowed by shampoo and conditioner so don't write much about them but my God everyone should have this in their shower with them!!

If you have hair problems weather it be thinning or hair loss I highly highly recommend it and would work amazingly with the supplements.. Now I know they can be quite pricey but well worth it in my opinion!!

I'll keep everyone posted on info and prices :) but in the mean time let me know if this is something you would be interested in let me know :)

Rebecca xxx

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