Thursday, 5 July 2018

Exciting News :)

So since the last blog post was published and told you all about why I was not blogging for so long. I’ve some good news to share with you all!!!!

Back when I was meeting specialist and discussing my surgery and options regarding fertility we where told that they where worried about my fertility so much so that one of the specialists didn’t want to do the surgery and sent me on to someone more suitable for severe Endometriosis.

When they said they where worried about my fertility that having Endometriosis for so long and all the surgeries and it being so bad we where told we didn’t have much time left if we wanted to have a child.
I was told after having the surgery it would be our best time to get pregnant because all Endometriosis would be removed and it would be the best chance to ever have a baby.

After the surgery I had the follow up appointment to tell me how things went and what my chances where to ever have a baby. So if I wanted to have a baby it was now or never.
We both really wanted kids and couldn’t imagine not ever having any so without and hestitation we knew if it was to be now or never then that’s what we would do!!

I had to go for lots of blood tests to check hormone levels on certain days of my cycle and if things were not good we would be sent of for fertility treatment.

So as time passed it started to get very stressful I was convinced I could t get pregnant. Your mind really does play havoc with you and when your stressed you can’t get pregnant, and it’s a lot harder than you think to just get pregnant. Some women are very lucky and get pregnant so easily but with having Endometriosis and surgeries and medication over years and years it’s a lot harder than you would think.

As time passed I got a good result on one of the blood tests and said ok I’m not going to stress anymore that if there is problems I’ll eventually get to the route of it and if I need medication I’ll take it and one day we will have a baby.... that month I totally relaxed. I wasn’t tracking my cycle for ovulation or anything.

There was loads happening that month and I was starting to recover so much better so I was doing more and totally distracted from everything.
 I knew I was due my period soon so went and checked my calendar and realised I was due my period any day. After two days there was no sign of a period...(I’m like clock work I know when their coming because the pain and symptoms do be bad from the week before). so we went and got some pregnancy tests.

Even after buying them I still wasn’t in a rush to do a test and eventually done one that evening.....

Normally you wait 3 minutes and then you check the test but after I had done it still as cool as a cucumber not expecting it to be positive I hadn’t even put it down long enough to let it settle and wait the 3 minutes... the whole thing was glowing blue and it was a POSITIVE test. I was like WTF??!!

I moved quicker than I’ve ever moved since before the surgery in
months and went a told the bf!!!
We were so in shock and over the moon it’s was all so crazy!!!

I didn’t sleep at all that night I think I just lay their on disbelief and shock and I know around 4am I was thinking what if I got a false positive test... so I jumped up out of bed and took another test!!! Again it was glowing blue and positive within seconds :)

We waited a little while before telling anyone and then eventually shared the news with both families.

So now it’s time to share the news over on here...... IM PREGANT!!!

We couldn’t be more happier :)

Everything is great and the baby is doing great.
Me on the other hand I’m sick all the time and tired but that’s ok once the baby is ok that’s all that matters!!

So for anyone out there that has Endometriosis or any fertility issues and think they won’t or can’t get pregnant don’t worry. It will happen when it’s ment to happen.

I remember even being told at 17 that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant and I think anyone who has been told they can’t have kids or has Endometriosis they always think they can’t get pregnant or it plays on their mind.

If it has happened for me with all my problems with Endometriosis and how bad it’s been it will happen for so many of you all :)

We’re having our own little miracle baby!!  It’s still hard to believe at times.

I will keep you all updated on how I’m getting on throughout my pregnancy so there will be plenty of pregnancy posts :)

Rebecca xxxx

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Why I’ve not being blogging for quite awhile....

Hey everyone!!

It’s been so long since I’ve actually sat and wrote anything over on my blog.... I think it’s been at least a year if I’m not mistaking! I’ve kept a few posts going on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook but no actual posts.  But sure I’m back for now anyways.

So as you all know I wrote a few posts on having Endometriosis and what it was like growing up with it and how shocking out healthy system is when it comes to having Endometriosis... for anyone who doesn’t know what it is I’ve a post all about it on my blog feel free to pop back and have a look:)

Well the reason why I’ve been so quiet is all related back to Endometriosis AGAIN.... sadly it never goes away as it’s an incurable disease but at times you manage to get on with life and work if you’re lucky.
That’s what I had been doing for awhile I was even going to the gym a few times a week and walked every night and lost weight and was really feeling great :)  then all of a sudden the pain got too much and I ended up in hospital last summer. I’d not had surgery to remove any of the Endometriosis in about 6 years but had been managing with different hormones, pills and pain killers and the bang it all got too much.

When I went into hospital scans where done and I was kept in to manage the pain and was told that my Endometriosis has returned very badly and I was a high priority case and needed surgery ASAP. Sadly in Ireland surgery isn’t straight away even when it’s priority so I was sent home and had to wait  to see specialist, they had to have a meeting to discuss my case and who was able to do the surgery.
One specialist was willing to do the surgery and then changed his mind as he was worried about my fertility and causing damage because of where the Endometriosis had spread to. So I was then referred to another more experienced specialist for more severe Endometriosis.

I then met with them and my surgery was discussed along with what my options where regarding fertility. With having Endometriosis your fertility and chances of having a child or children are more limited due to the damage Endometriosis cases to your womb, ovaries etc.
This time around with the severity of mine and having 4 surgeries previously and depending on how the extent of my Endometriosis was when they opened me up to remove it my chances of having a child where very limited and “running out of time”

A couple of months passed waiting on surgery being basically bed bound and in constant agony making life pretty tough at times so no blogging was done. Makeup was pointless as I was stuck in bed. I had lost interest in anything Blog related and when the invitations to events and things and being too sick to attend I needed a break from it all.

In February I finally had the surgery after 6 months of waiting and all the Endometriosis was removed in more places than expected. Recovery was very tough. The pain from the surgery was horrible. It was by far the worst surgery yet. It was weeks before I could drive and I needed help with everything I did.
It’s taking a lot of time to get over the surgery and still recovering when it comes to certain things but I’m getting there :)

All the Endometriosis was removed successfully and they where very happy with how things went.
I’m now in remission but the Endometriosis can return at any time and I’ve a new Endometriosis nurse who keeps an eye on me all the time (which I never had before) who is lovely.
I need physio for my leg and back because I’ve nerve damage from the Endometriosis so sitting and standing for long periods of time is a killer and I had to say goodbye to my little girl racer days and get an Automatic car... which I shouldn’t really complain about considering it’s a BMW 520 Msport :)

Now that things have started to improve and get better I’ve a bit more of an interest on blogging again and sharing my story as to why I was MIA. So fingers crossed things keep going the way their going and I get back into the swing of things and yous see a lot more post, tutorials and reviews.

So that’s my little update on why I’ve been so quiet and not blogging in so long :)

Thanks for having a read and I look forward to chatting with everyone soon with lots more blog posts to follow :)

Rebecca xxxx